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VC meets the Party Secretary at RZPT, China

VC meets the Party Secretary at RZPT, China

VC meets the Party Secretary at RZPT, China
VC visits Wu-Zheng manufacturing company in China

VC visits Wu-Zheng manufacturing company in China

VC visits Wu-Zheng manufacturing company in China
Vice Dean IAIL meets Rector of SGGW, Poland

Vice Dean IAIL meets Rector of SGGW, Poland

Vice Dean IAIL meets Rector of SGGW, Poland
Vice Dean IAIL vistis HNEE, GErmany as Visiting Scholar

Vice Dean IAIL vistis HNEE, GErmany as Visiting Scholar

Vice Dean IAIL vistis HNEE, GErmany as Visiting Scholar
Vice Dean meets Prof. Hans-Peter Bendikt at HNEE Germany

Vice Dean meets Prof. Hans-Peter Bendikt at HNEE Germany

Vice Dean meets Prof. Hans-Peter Bendikt at HNEE Germany
Visiting Scholar from Turkey visits KsTU Engineering Lab.jpg

Visiting Scholar from Turkey visits KsTU Engineering Lab.jpg

Visiting Scholar from Turkey visits KsTU Engineering Lab.jpg
Vice Dean, Prof Addo Koranteng Meets Students at Warsaw

Vice Dean, Prof Addo Koranteng Meets Students at Warsaw

Vice Dean, Prof Addo Koranteng Meets Students at Warsaw
KsTU at SGGW 2

KsTU at SGGW 2

USA Delegation at KsTU

USA Delegation at KsTU