Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyon Kocatepe University is delighted to invite all our partner and non-partner institutions to participate in the 11th International Week titled "Empowering Sustainability in Erasmus" from 12nd of May and 16th of May 2025, in Afyonkarahisar, Turkiye.
Our week is directed to three main strands of participants:
1) Staff Training:
2) Staff Teaching:
3) International Relations Office Staff
Our main aim is to share our experience in the frame of our internationalization strategy, to host new participants from EU and non-EU countries, and to find new pathways to sustain the Erasmus+ mobilities. The participants get in touch with their peers, especially for networking. We are seeking active participation and would be happy to welcome colleagues from all departments and other associated fields of work. The language of International Week is English.
Application Procedure
Please fill in the application form here: The deadline for application is the 31st of March 2025. Selected participants will be contacted till 15th of April 2025. Submit the form in person to the unit that is responsible for the coordination of Erasmus+ Mobilities along with the following documents:
• National ID or Passport
• Proof of Employment (Showing the status and duration)
• Any document that shows the language level (TOEFL, IELTS or University
• Exam etc.)
• Proof of Educational Degree (Diplomas etc.)
Applicants must also submit their application documents (soft and hardcopies) to the Dean of International Affairs and Institutional Linkages, Kumasi Technical University. The deadline for application is the 31st of March 2025. Selected participants will be contacted till 15th of April 2024.
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Sarfo Mensah,
Prof. Dr. Addo Koranteng,